========================================================= Newly Discovered Particles ========================================================= Author: * Doctor Fissionton Date: * April 2009 Content: The C.A.K.E. Team has been hard at work, and already discovered so much beyond the reaches of what Scientoons have documented. Indeed, this research will pay off! Thus far, we've discovered four particles. I've listed the properties of each below. * Antisillions These particles are severly unstable. They can often be found bouncing in unfamiliar spaces, such as between two objects close together. Upon colliding with a Toon, the subject begins oscillating frequently back and forth between the spaces. * Glitchinitives This form of matter is closely related to Antisllions, but have a much more profound output. If the energy of Antisillions is harnessed correctly, this can allow a Toon to access a field of Glitchinitives and pass into The Grey. If these particles can be controlled, this may assist Professor Prepostera in his research. * Phooeytons Particles of utter nonsense, labeled by my team as Phooeytons, are often found blathering in the crevices of gobbledygook, twaddling in hogwash, and anywhere with a jibber of baloney. To be honest, they've simply left us with nothing but balderdash. * (!!!) Silly Particles This discovery is the breakthrough we've been looking for. Particles of pure silliness, floating EVERYWHERE! It seems that the sillier Toontown becomes, the more of these particles are present. They seem to cause absolute wackiness, and could be key to driving the Cogs back once and for all. We must investigate further. ## PASSWORD: PP-DS-DD_silli ## ## DECODING 12.0 KHz MAY BE ## BEAU'S FORTE