========================================================= Fissionton's Flickering ========================================================= Author: * Doctor Surlee Content: I was just sitting at my desk, working away at blueprints for the redesigned Silly Meter. Fissionton assures me that it will need increased capacity in order to track Silly Levels that we never achieved even on the original timeline. As I worked, the pocket watch hands again began to spin. However, this time, I noticed something else. The Fissiontons began to flicker. Now, up to this point, I hadn't inquired about the Fissiontons' flickering. They are time anomalies, after all, and I figured that a bit of flickering out of existence seems normal enough for a time anomaly. (Quite frankly, it was the least alarming part of their situation.) Not letting on that I had even seen the pocket watch spinning, however, I decided to ask them what the flickering was all about. "Fissionton, when you flicker... What do you see? What exactly is happening to you?" They dodged my question. "Don't mind it, Doctor. Have you comp- leted the new design of the Slaphappy Safety Valve yet?" At that moment, the pocket watch stopped spinning, and just like clockwork -- the Fissiontons flickering ceased. While I still may not know the cause to my spinning pocket watch, I'm a step closer to discovering the root of it. I have a feeling that the Fission- tons know more than they're letting on about my glitch. Whatever the cause may be, I now know one thing for sure. When my pocket watch is spinning: the Fissiontons are flickering.